The Ipecac Challenge
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Ralph Jones
2007-09-05 15:24:15 UTC
I got a good chuckle out of these YouTube videos.

In the first video, "Family Guy ipecac", a cartoon sequence, the
father tells the two kids and the dog that there is a piece of pie in
the freezer, and that if they each drink a bottle of Ipecac, that the
last one to puke gets to eat the piece of pie. They each down a
bottle of Ipecac. The father is the first one to blow groceries.


In the second video, "Guy drinks Ipecac and puke in public", a camera
crew approaches a guy named Lance on the street, and the lead guy
challenges him to drink a bottle of Ipecac and puke on the sidewalk,
and that he will earn $500 if he does that. It must be fast-acting
Ipecac, because within 2 minutes, Lance starts blowing lunch all over
the sidewalk.

Ralph Jones
"Mr. Puke"
Ace Lightning
2007-09-06 06:46:55 UTC
Post by Ralph Jones
In the second video, "Guy drinks Ipecac and puke in public", a camera
crew approaches a guy named Lance on the street, and the lead guy
challenges him to drink a bottle of Ipecac and puke on the sidewalk,
and that he will earn $500 if he does that. It must be fast-acting
Ipecac, because within 2 minutes, Lance starts blowing lunch all over
the sidewalk.
as i've mentioned before, this is Lance Ozanix, lead singer
of the band Skitzo:
the band's gimmick is Lance's talent of being able to puke
on cue. before performances, he swallows some sort of colored
liquids, and vomits the chosen color at key points in the
show. he even has a couple of women whose only function in the
act is to be his "Puke Girls" - they wear skimpy clothing, and
he barfs his colored liquids on them.

Lance has promised me that, if the band ever performs on the
East Coast, and i come to the show, he'll bring me up on stage
and puke purple on me.
Ralph Jones
2007-09-06 15:19:18 UTC
Post by Ace Lightning
Post by Ralph Jones
In the second video, "Guy drinks Ipecac and puke in public", a camera
crew approaches a guy named Lance on the street, and the lead guy
challenges him to drink a bottle of Ipecac and puke on the sidewalk,
and that he will earn $500 if he does that. It must be fast-acting
Ipecac, because within 2 minutes, Lance starts blowing lunch all over
the sidewalk.
as i've mentioned before, this is Lance Ozanix, lead singer
of the band Skitzo:http://www.skitzo.biz
the band's gimmick is Lance's talent of being able to puke
on cue. before performances, he swallows some sort of colored
liquids, and vomits the chosen color at key points in the
show. he even has a couple of women whose only function in the
act is to be his "Puke Girls" - they wear skimpy clothing, and
he barfs his colored liquids on them.
Lance has promised me that, if the band ever performs on the
East Coast, and i come to the show, he'll bring me up on stage
and puke purple on me.
I'm a bit disappointed... I was thinking that a camera crew had found
a sappy guy who could be talked into drinking Ipecac and puking in
public, for the fee of $500. Lance certainly played the part very
well. I did notice that his spew was clear with little or no chunks,
which didn't seem quite right, so that seems to support your comments
that it was a planned puke, and I would surmise that he drank lots of
water beforehand.

There is a "what's your price" issue here... what would a given
person's price be to do what Lance did, to drink Ipecac and puke in
public in front of a camera crew. My price would be a heck of a lot
higher than $500, and I don't think I would do it for any price that
would likely be offered.

By the way, I found those two videos by searching on "ipecac" on
YouTube, and they were near the top of the list.

Both videos used the pronunciation "ep-a-cac", with the short "e"
sound. I have heard several people pronounce it that way, so I wonder
if that mis-pronunciation is common.

The correct pronunciation, for those of you who live in Rio Lindo, is
"ip-a-cac", with the short "i" sound.

Ralph Jones
2007-09-06 17:11:04 UTC
Post by Ralph Jones
By the way, I found those two videos by searching on "ipecac" on
like this one:
Ace Lightning
2007-09-07 07:55:51 UTC
Post by Ralph Jones
Post by Ace Lightning
Post by Ralph Jones
as i've mentioned before, this is Lance Ozanix, lead singer
of the band Skitzo:http://www.skitzo.biz
the band's gimmick is Lance's talent of being able to puke
on cue. before performances, he swallows some sort of colored
liquids, and vomits the chosen color at key points in the
show. he even has a couple of women whose only function in the
act is to be his "Puke Girls" - they wear skimpy clothing, and
he barfs his colored liquids on them.
Lance has promised me that, if the band ever performs on the
East Coast, and i come to the show, he'll bring me up on stage
and puke purple on me.
I'm a bit disappointed... I was thinking that a camera crew had found
a sappy guy who could be talked into drinking Ipecac and puking in
public, for the fee of $500. Lance certainly played the part very
well. I did notice that his spew was clear with little or no chunks,
which didn't seem quite right, so that seems to support your comments
that it was a planned puke, and I would surmise that he drank lots of
water beforehand.
There is a "what's your price" issue here... what would a given
person's price be to do what Lance did, to drink Ipecac and puke in
public in front of a camera crew. My price would be a heck of a lot
higher than $500, and I don't think I would do it for any price that
would likely be offered.
Lance will do almost anything puke-related, for money and/or for
publicity for the band. he's appeared on Springer a couple of times,
once in a hoked-up scenario where a girl pretended to be his
girlfriend who had gotten freaked out about his sexual fetish for
vomiting, and another time just as himself, coming out on stage and
puking in front of the audience. (the camera cut away, and you
only saw Springer's face as he reacted, while you heard splattering
noises and the audience made shocked sounds.) this made one of the
offstage crew "sympathy spew", and they sort of got a shot of him...
from behind, badly lit. feh.
Post by Ralph Jones
By the way, I found those two videos by searching on "ipecac" on
YouTube, and they were near the top of the list.
Both videos used the pronunciation "ep-a-cac", with the short "e"
sound. I have heard several people pronounce it that way, so I wonder
if that mis-pronunciation is common.
The correct pronunciation, for those of you who live in Rio Lindo, is
"ip-a-cac", with the short "i" sound.
the dictionary pronunciation is IP-uh-cac. i bet those people also
say "nucular" instead of "nuclear"... just like our President...
2007-09-07 13:35:51 UTC
Post by Ace Lightning
the dictionary pronunciation is IP-uh-cac. i bet those people also
say "nucular" instead of "nuclear"... just like our President...
In an a.t world, we would select Presidents based on whether they know
the proper pronunciation of "ipecac".

Ace Lightning
2007-09-07 14:14:55 UTC
Post by AI
Post by Ace Lightning
the dictionary pronunciation is IP-uh-cac. i bet those people also
say "nucular" instead of "nuclear"... just like our President...
In an a.t world, we would select Presidents based on whether they know
the proper pronunciation of "ipecac".
*after* we force-feed each one a dose of the stuff. i think
a freestyle puking competition would be much more entertaining
than a Presidential debate, and probably prove more about the
candidate's suitability for office.
Ralph Jones
2007-09-07 15:30:22 UTC
Post by Ace Lightning
Post by Ralph Jones
There is a "what's your price" issue here... what would a given
person's price be to do what Lance did, to drink Ipecac and puke in
public in front of a camera crew. My price would be a heck of a lot
higher than $500, and I don't think I would do it for any price that
would likely be offered.
Lance will do almost anything puke-related, for money and/or for
publicity for the band. he's appeared on Springer a couple of times,
once in a hoked-up scenario where a girl pretended to be his
girlfriend who had gotten freaked out about his sexual fetish for
vomiting, and another time just as himself, coming out on stage and
puking in front of the audience. (the camera cut away, and you
only saw Springer's face as he reacted, while you heard splattering
noises and the audience made shocked sounds.) this made one of
the offstage crew "sympathy spew", and they sort of got a shot of
him... from behind, badly lit. feh.
Lance is a special case, as he is part of a heavy metal band who
encourages spewing while they are peforming. He also planned ahead of
time to puke in that Ipecac scene.

The performance was made to look like the camera crew went looking for
a stranger who could be persuaded to puke on the sidewalk for $500,
and be filmed. I wonder how many people would agree to that according
to that scenario.

Ralph Jones
Ace Lightning
2007-09-08 00:11:23 UTC
Post by Ralph Jones
The performance was made to look like the camera crew went looking for
a stranger who could be persuaded to puke on the sidewalk for $500,
and be filmed. I wonder how many people would agree to that according
to that scenario.
i seem to remember another video like that where it really did
seem that it was some unsuspecting passer-by, and they said
they'd pay him $100 to drink this stuff that would make him
puke. he agreed, but when the ipecac started to work, he was
so violently sick that the guy started offering him more money,
finally getting up to $400 or $500 - they were really afraid the
guy was going to need medical help, he was puking so much and
obviously feeling utterly miserable.

ipecac is **NOT** a good way to achieve recreational regurgitation!
i can't stress this point enough. it can have nasty side effects,
including kidney, liver, and heart problems, as well as less serious
but very unpleasant stuff like fainting, fever, rapid heartbeat, and
diarrhea. and some of the time it doesn't even make you vomit!

if you want to throw up for fun, just tickle your gag reflex
continuously until it happens. *much* safer than ipecac.
Michael Briel
2007-10-03 22:57:22 UTC
What is the taste of ipecac? I mean: is there a possibility to mix it in
longfrinks or ice cream flurries without ppl being able to notice it?
Enlighten me. :)

Michael Briel - www.brielmusik.de
If they ever come up with a swashbuckling School, I think one of
the courses should be Laughing, Then Jumping Off Something.
Ace Lightning
2007-10-04 00:05:25 UTC
Post by Michael Briel
What is the taste of ipecac? I mean: is there a possibility to mix it in
longfrinks or ice cream flurries without ppl being able to notice it?
Enlighten me. :)
it's a rather bitter herbal extract mixed into an excessively sweet
syrup. instead of canceling each other out, the bitterness and
sweetness clash horribly. it tastes pretty bad, and i don't think
you could mix it into a drink without the person noticing.
2007-10-06 12:39:12 UTC
Post by Ace Lightning
it's a rather bitter herbal extract mixed into an excessively sweet
syrup. instead of canceling each other out, the bitterness and
sweetness clash horribly. it tastes pretty bad, and i don't think
you could mix it into a drink without the person noticing.
It seems you want the bitter herbal extract to be mixed into some
other bitter substance. Coffee has a reputation like that, it's
bitter enough that you can't taste poisons mixed into it.

Ace Lightning
2007-10-10 03:02:29 UTC
Post by AI
Post by Ace Lightning
it's a rather bitter herbal extract mixed into an excessively sweet
syrup. instead of canceling each other out, the bitterness and
sweetness clash horribly. it tastes pretty bad, and i don't think
you could mix it into a drink without the person noticing.
It seems you want the bitter herbal extract to be mixed into some
other bitter substance. Coffee has a reputation like that, it's
bitter enough that you can't taste poisons mixed into it.
no, because there's also a nasty sweetness from the syrup. the taste
of ipecac wouldn't be concealed by coffee. only something else, like
the various liquors that have been mentioned - something with a whole
lot of clashing flavors, bitter, aromatic, sweet, and just plain weird -
will work. you'll have to figure out how to get your innocent victim
to drink something that bizarre. and, as i said, in most cases, the
drink itself is so revolting, they'd puke without any added emetic.
Dan Hillman
2007-10-11 00:17:09 UTC
Post by Ace Lightning
no, because there's also a nasty sweetness from the syrup. the taste
of ipecac wouldn't be concealed by coffee. only something else, like
the various liquors that have been mentioned - something with a whole
lot of clashing flavors, bitter, aromatic, sweet, and just plain weird -
will work. you'll have to figure out how to get your innocent victim
to drink something that bizarre.
You just have to add a lot of booze and give it an "edgy" sexual
innuendo name like "swallow and spit," "in and out" or "bottomless
throat" so the college kids will try it.
Dan Hillman ***@quahog.org
Ace Lightning
2007-10-11 05:53:03 UTC
Post by Dan Hillman
Post by Ace Lightning
no, because there's also a nasty sweetness from the syrup. the taste
of ipecac wouldn't be concealed by coffee. only something else, like
the various liquors that have been mentioned - something with a whole
lot of clashing flavors, bitter, aromatic, sweet, and just plain weird -
will work. you'll have to figure out how to get your innocent victim
to drink something that bizarre.
You just have to add a lot of booze and give it an "edgy" sexual
innuendo name like "swallow and spit," "in and out" or "bottomless
throat" so the college kids will try it.
y'know, i think you may be on to something there. especially seeing
how many young people today are into anorexia and/or bulimia...
2007-10-11 00:24:06 UTC
Post by Ace Lightning
Post by AI
Post by Ace Lightning
it's a rather bitter herbal extract mixed into an excessively sweet
syrup. instead of canceling each other out, the bitterness and
sweetness clash horribly. it tastes pretty bad, and i don't think
you could mix it into a drink without the person noticing.
It seems you want the bitter herbal extract to be mixed into some
other bitter substance. Coffee has a reputation like that, it's
bitter enough that you can't taste poisons mixed into it.
no, because there's also a nasty sweetness from the syrup. the taste
of ipecac wouldn't be concealed by coffee.
Yeah, but suppose you didn't use the *syrup*, but rather just pure

Ace Lightning
2007-10-11 06:01:15 UTC
Post by AI
Yeah, but suppose you didn't use the *syrup*, but rather just pure
there doesn't seem to be such a thing; the only form i've ever
seen is the syrup, although i've heard of it in pill or capsule
form in some stories. i believe the substance is extracted from
the roots of a South American tree.

2007-09-07 00:31:53 UTC
etc etc
Post by Ace Lightning
Lance has promised me that, if the band ever performs on the
East Coast, and i come to the show, he'll bring me up on stage
and puke purple on me.
Are you a red hat lady?
Ace Lightning
2007-09-07 07:57:13 UTC
Post by Somnial
Post by Ace Lightning
Lance has promised me that, if the band ever performs on the
East Coast, and i come to the show, he'll bring me up on stage
and puke purple on me.
Are you a red hat lady?
well, i *am* technically in that demographic... but the important
points here are that i'm an emetophile and purple is my favorite